Sound is a main role in the story, it gives a meaning to that character in your film, makes you jump from your seat or take a deep breath after those powerful words. Sound is an art as well as a science, we need to understand and implement certain techniques in the correct way to give that shape to our piece. Recording on location, editing the sound, adding foleys, additional dialogs, sound effects, atmospheres, mixing the music, bringing sound layers close, pushing them far away in the mix, putting all these elements around you through surround mixes, designing the sound from the very first micing stage to the last re-recording mixing moment. That is a passion I developed through years of study and work in the fields of music and film.  Since an early age I have been wandering around, always carrying my sound recorder and camera, capturing a world of senses, a storm, a football match, a boxing fight, the sound of the bicycle and its chain, and, of course, music. Music has been a central topic of my documentary production, depicting lands and cultures through field recordings.


Sound recordist, post-production & designer Showreel 2020:


Sound recordist, post-production & designer Showreel 2017:


Links and articles:


Quino Piñero on IMDB

Quino Piñero - berlinale talents



ECPV (Euskal Herria Zinma Eskola/ Basque Country Film School) lecturer Profile

What's on Africa. The Royal African Society. Roaring Abyss – a magical, musical road movie

"the sound is vital don’t get me wrong but it could have easily been masked by some patronising voice-over, feeding us with a spoon, explaining things that really don’t need any explanation. Instead, director Quino Piñero allows us to meditate with the musicians and let the music flow into our souls; making it very difficult for you not to dance in your chair – also proving how strong the language of music is."


"África no es un país. El País. Alfombra en Londres roja para el cine africano.

En la oscuridad, como el ciego etíope del documental Roaring Abyss del español Quino Piñero. Esperando hasta que su padre puso en sus manos una modesta flauta wahent de color negro. Así como Luis Braille esculpió letras para que su hijo pudiera leer, este padre etíope le dio al suyo un instrumento que ya se usaba en tiempos del rey David. Y comenzó a tocar. Tocaba con los granjeros y aprendía de ellos. Tocaba, y se aclaraban sus pensamientos. La música fue su escuela y abrió sus ojos."



"Estrenamos monográfico sobre cine musical en el programa, y su primera entrada nos invita a un viaje etnográfico por Etiopía. Quino Piñero se aventuró por sus paisajes, recogiendo, pueblo a pueblo, las manifestaciones musicales locales. Una joya para los amantes de la música étnica, pero también para el espectador de documental musical. Nosotros no nos emocionabamos tanto desde Buena Vista Social Club"



"Parlem amb el sonidista i realitzador Quino Piñero, sobre els seus documentals musicals fets a Etiopia “Roaring Abbys” i “New voices in an old flower”.

BBC Radio London. Chef Tom Sellers and film director Quino Piñero

Robert Elm chats with Quino Piñero about Roaring Abyss, introducing its UK premiere, as part of the 26th Film Africa Festival, taking place in venues across London.

Press play! ciclo de documental musical nafarroako filmoteka. NeW Voices in an old flower por su director quino Piñero

En el marco del ciclo de cine documental musical 'Músicas en resistencia' , Quino Piñero nos comenta su documental 'New Voices in and Old Flower'

cognitive space. roaring abyss review

"The sheer quality of the field recordings are truly amazing and immersed the cinema in lush sounds."

The Prisma. Quino Piñero: a sound pilgrim traveling without hesitation

"Growing up exposed to music, he goes far beyond being just a musician but is also a photographer, a sound engineer and a film maker. Purely for the sake of his passion for different types of song that intrigue him, he could be on a trek to a completely foreign land at any moment." Roaring Abyss: A Documentary Chronicling The Diverse And Ancient Sounds Of Ethiopia

"The Roaring Abyss team traveled Ethiopia for two years. The team, employing an audiophile approach, documented and recorded musicians from across the country and their stories. The beautiful music that is captured in the film is deeply moving and spiritual."


linkiesta. Due anni passati a caccia di musica etiope

"Il pluripremiato documentario Roaring Abyss cerca di vendersi come un “poema audiovisivo”, realizzato dal regista spagnolo Quino Piñeiro per descrivere la grande varietà dei suoni africani." an ethiopian sound expedition

"The Spanish sound engineer and music producer travelled with the film crew, for two years, performing field recordings around Ethiopia."


“Hace años que este sevillano viaja por África grabando la música de sus gentes”

the student newspaper. roaring abyss

"This is not an in depth study of people’s lives but a love letter to Ethiopia’s vibrant musical culture" roaring abyss proves music is universal

"For two years Piñero and others working on his audio ethnographer team take a moment to stop and document the music and the stories of the people making that music. In the two years that followed comes the most amazing collection of music that might have gone unheard by the world."